Justin’s Fountain
This is a story about faith, love, loss, and redemption, and learning to value those things that endure when all else is stripped away.

Conversations with Grandfather
This Christian novel explores the foundations of faith and how genuine love can bring healing and redemption.

A Torrent of Faith
This story explores the nuances of genuine faith, and in light of God’s sovereignty, what trusting in Him truly entails.

Echoes of My Son
This Christian novel examines what it means to live by faith, to forgive the unforgivable, and to love unconditionally.

The Overcomer
This is a story about faith, love, mutual respect, plainspoken honesty, and a willingness to bear each other’s burdens.

Eugene Strayhorn is a retired physician who for twenty-five years practiced internal medicine and then emergency medicine. For many years he served as the medical director of a twenty-five-man multi-specialty group. Following his retirement from active medical practice, he has devoted himself to writing. As a lifelong follower of Jesus, he has a strong interest in biblical precepts. For the past two decades, he has facilitated a men’s Bible study that focuses on understanding Scripture and incorporating the word of God into everyday life.